Bill Type and Number: Ordinance 2007-398


Sponsor: Council Member Daniels


Date of Introduction: April 10, 2007


Committee(s) of Reference: LUZ


Date of Analysis: April 13, 2007


Type of Action: Ordinance Code amendment; adoption of zoning overlays


Bill Summary: The bill amends the Ordinance Code in Chapter 30 – Planning and Development Department – to establish an Industrial Technical Advisory Committee, and amends Chapter 656 – Zoning Code – to establish a system of industrial zoning sanctuary and “situational compatibility” overlay zones.  The Advisory Committee will consist of 9 members representing commercial property owners and developers, residential property owners, developers and builders, and industrial businesses.  The Advisory Committee will review and make recommendations to the Planning and Development Department on proposed land use changes and rezonings in Areas of Situational Compatibility and Industrial Sanctuaries.


The Zoning Code is amended to insert a “declaration of policy” committing the City protect and preserve existing industrial areas of the city from premature fragmentation by intrusive residential and commercial uses and promote the expansion of industrial uses in those areas.  “Industrial sanctuary overlay zones” and “areas of situational compatibility overlay zones” are defined and criteria are established for creating such zones.  Uses permitted by right and by exception within such zones are defined.


The bill adopts the first industrial sanctuary situational compatibility overlay zones via a map attached as Exhibit A.


Background Information: The bill is intended to provide a means to protect the City’s employment base by preserving industrially zoned properties (suitable for manufacturing, warehousing and distribution, office park, and other job-intensive uses) from being converted to residential and light commercial uses to the detriment of the city’s ability to continue providing sufficient employment opportunities for its growing population. The plan provides a mechanism to protect the employment base through the use of zoning overlays, buffer requirements and intensive review before industrially zoned lands are converted to less intensive uses or made less suitable for industrial uses by the encroachment of other incompatible uses.


Policy Impact Area: Industrial land preservation


Fiscal Impact: Undetermined


Analyst: Clements