Bill Type and
Number: Ordinance 2007-412
Sponsor: Council President at the Request of the Mayor
Date of
Introduction: April 24, 2007
of Reference: F; TEUS
Date of
Analysis: April 26, 2007
Type of
Action: Appropriation
Bill Summary: This bill appropriates $261,772.01 ($257,750
from Emergency Medical Services County Grant funds and $4,022.01 from interest
earned in 2006 on Emergency Medical Services Grant funds) to provide funding
for enhanced and improved pre-hospital emergency medical services for the
citizens of Duval County. The Mayor is
requested to appoint the Fire and Rescue Dept. to oversee expenditure of the
Information: This is a continuation grant, with no match
required. Funds are to be used to purchase
stretchers, carrier devices, medication refrigerators, storage units, airway
management equipment, laptops, projectors, portable screens, and alternative
support apparatus.
Policy Impact
Area: Emergency Medical Services; Fire and Rescue
Fiscal Impact: $261,772.01 is appropriated by this ordinance