Bill Type and Number: Resolution 2007-452
Sponsor: Council Member Self at the
request of the Jacksonville Waterways Commission:
Date of Introduction: April 24, 2007
Committee(s) of Reference: R; A; ECID; JWW
Date of Analysis: April 27, 2007
Type of Action: Application Support
Bill Summary: This resolution supports an
application to the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission for a
grant to remove derelict vessels from the Trout
River and the Intracoastal Waterway in
Duval County; emergency passage is requested.
Background Information: There are several derelict
vessels currently in Jacksonville’s
rivers and tributaries. The Division of
Law Enforcement of the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission has
declared the vessels derelict. Three of
the derelict vessels are located in the Trout
River and one is in the Intracoastal Waterway. These derelict vessels are a
hazard to public health, the environment and navigation. The Department of Parks, Recreation,
Entertainment and Conservation is applying for a Derelict Vessel Removal Grant
from the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission. The Jacksonville Waterways Commission has
reviewed the grant application and voted unanimously to endorse the
Policy Impact: Boating/Derelict Vessels;
Parks, Recreation, Entertainment & Conservation Department
Fiscal Impact: None
Analyst: Jackson