Bill Type and
Number: Ordinance 2007-454
Sponsor: Council President at the Request of the Mayor
Date of
Introduction: April 24, 2007
of Reference: F; TEUS
Date of
Analysis: April 26, 2007
Type of
Action: Appropriation; Agreement Approval
Bill Summary: This bill appropriates $15,000 from an
Environmental Protection Board Trust Fund account to provide for the continued
sampling of local wells identified as chloride sensitive. Provision is made for appropriated funds to
carryover into the 2007-2008 fiscal year.
Approval is given for a Joint Funding Agreement with the United States
Geological Survey, and the Mayor and Corporation Secretary are authorized to
execute said agreement.
Information: These samples provide data to determine the
safe levels of chlorides in the City’s primary source of potable water, to
assess water shortage conditions and determine whether the Floridan Aquifer in
this area is overstressed, and to define potential threats to the aquifer. Under the agreement, the United States
Geological Survey is to contribute $5,000 during the period October 1, 2006, to
September 30, 2007.
Policy Impact
Area: Environmental Protection; Water Quality
Fiscal Impact: $15,000 is appropriated by this ordinance