Bill Type and Number:  Ordinance 2007-459


Sponsor: Council Member Alvarez:


Date of Introduction: April 24, 2007


Committee(s) of Reference: F; TEUS


Date of Analysis: April 27, 2007


Type of Action: Appropriation


Bill Summary: This ordinance appropriates $35,000 from the Trailridge Landfill Mitigation Fund Cash Carryover Account to pay for improvements at the Maxville Fire Station #43.  A carryover provision stipulates that the funds carry over into Fiscal Year 2007-2008.  The bill provides for the Fire and Rescue Department’s oversight of the project.


Background Information: The funds appropriated by this bill would provide for the following improvements at Fire Station #43, located at 18255 Pennsylvania Avenue, Jacksonville (Maxville), in Council District 11: a sign in front of the station and a light for the flagpole; parking lights and heater for brush truck bay; aerator and hook up to main station of new well; enclosure of fence/landscaping for area around well; electrical, phone, claxtion for exercise shed; stucco for outside of entire station; scarify bay floor; replace cabinet doors.


Policy Impact: Fire & Rescue Department/Trailridge Mitigation Fund Account


Fiscal Impact:  This bill appropriates $35,000


Analyst: Jackson