Bill Type and
Number: Ordinance 2007-496
Sponsor: Council Member Self
Date of
Introduction: April 24, 2007
of Reference: F; ECID
Date of
Analysis: April 26, 2007
Type of
Action: Appropriation; CIP Amendment
Bill Summary: This bill appropriates $171,935 from a
Council District 2 Capital Projects (Excise Taxes Revenue, 2004) account to
provide funding to design and engineer Ivey Road Park. Provision is made for appropriated funds to
carryover from fiscal year to fiscal year, with any funds not expended on the
project to revert to the source of origin.
The Capital Improvement Program is amended for the
Policy Impact
Area: Council District Funds; Recreation and Parks;
Capital Improvements
Fiscal Impact: $171,935 is appropriated by this ordinance