Bill Type and Number: Resolution 2007-497
Sponsor: LUZ Committee
Date of Introduction: May 8, 2007
Committee(s) of Reference: LUZ
Date of Analysis: May 11, 2007
Type of Action: Transmittal of
Comprehensive Plan text amendment to Florida Department of Community Affairs
Bill Summary: The bill approves
transmittal of a proposed 2010 Comprehensive Plan text amendment to the Florida
Department of Community Affairs for review and comment. The amendment adopts a new Public Schools
Facilities Element to the city’s comprehensive plan, comprising 3 goals, 9
objectives, and 73 policies. The
transmittal also includes proposed amendments to the Comp Plan’s
Intergovernmental Coordination Element and Capital Improvement Element
regarding school concurrency, levels of service, and construction of school
facilities to carry out the objectives and policies described in the Public
Schools Facilities Element.
transmittal to DCA also includes a draft of a revised Interlocal Agreement
between the City and the School Board, which will be submitted to the Council
for final adoption at a later date.
Background Information: An amendment to the State’s
growth management regulations passed by the legislature in 2005 requires local
governments to adopt a public schools facilities element to their comprehensive
plans; previously public education elements had been optional. State law also requires that counties and
their school districts enter into and interlocal agreement to coordinate
population projections, school siting decisions, and provision of
infrastructure required to serve the development of school properties. The new Interlocal Agreement would replace
the current agreement that has been in place for several years.
Policy Impact Area: Comprehensive Plan amendments
Fiscal Impact: Undetermined
Analyst: Clements