Bill Type and Number:  Ordinance 2007-499


Sponsor: Council Members: Alvarez, Corrigan, Clark, Copeland, Davis, Graham, Jenkins, Jones, Lockett-Felder, Ray, Self, Shad and Yates:


Date of Introduction: April 24, 2007


Committee(s) of Reference: F; ECID


Date of Analysis: April 27, 2007


Type of Action: Appropriation; CIP Amendment


Bill Summary: This ordinance appropriates $160,000.00 ($10,000 Council District 1 Capital Projects (ETR, 2004), $925 Council District 2 Capital Projects (ETR, 2004), $1,103 from Park Acquisition/Maintenance – Saratoga District 2, $6,959 from Better Jacksonville District 2, $1,013 from Park Acquisition/Maintenance – RCR District 2, $10,000 from Council District 3 Capital Projects (ETR, 2004), $10,000 from Council District 4 Capital Projects (ETR, 2004), $10,000 from Council District 5 Capital Projects (ETR, 2004), $10,000 from Council District 6 Capital Projects (ETR, 2004), $10,000 from Council District 7 Capital District Projects (ETR, 2004), $10,000 from Council District 10 Capital Projects (ETR, 2004), $10,000 from Council District 11 Capital Projects (ETR, 2004), $10,000 from Council District 12 Capital Projects (ETR, 2004), $10,000 from Council District 13 Capital Projects (ETR, 2004), and $20,000 from the Executive Operating Contingency – Joint) to provide funding for the cost of extension and ongoing repair and maintenance to the Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Wall; provides a carryover of funds to Fiscal Year 2007-2008; amends the 2006-2011 Five Year Capital Improvement Program, approved by Ordinance 2006-789-E, for the “Veteran’s Memorial Wall & Plaza – Extension” project.


Background Information: Constructed in 1997, the Jacksonville Veteran’s Memorial Wall honors the memory of those members of the armed forces from Duval County who perished in the country’s wars and armed conflicts from World War I through the current war on terrorism.  This legislation appropriates funding to add two (2) additional panels for the names of fallen service men and women.


Policy Impact: Veterans Affairs/Jacksonville Veteran’s Memorial Wall


Fiscal Impact: This bill appropriates $160,000.


Analyst: Jackson