Bill Type and Number: Ordinance 2007-503


Sponsor: Council President at the request of the Mayor


Date of Introduction: April 24, 2007


Committee(s) of Reference: R, A, F, ECID


Date of Analysis: April 27, 2007


Type of Action: Appropriation; fiscal year carry-over; request for emergency action


Bill Summary: The bill appropriates $537,000 in lapsed Community Development Division funds from prior fiscal years to 3 new projects: City of Neptune Beach senior center roof replacement ($12,000); Emmet Reed Community Center HVAC unit and plumbing for new building ($225,000); and Property Safety Division demolition and clearance of unsafe and blighted structures ($300,000).


The bill contains a carry-over provision extending the use of the funds to the 2007-08 fiscal year.  The bill also requests adoption of the bill as an emergency on 2 readings after 1 committee cycle.


NOTE: Typographical errors need to be corrected on page 1, line 16 and on page 2, line 13 – MaliVia Washington should be correctly spelled MaliVai .


Background Information: The funds to be reprogrammed are carried over from original allocations in FY2003-04 and 2004-05.  The Neptune Beach senior center on which the roof is to be replaced is located at 16 North First Street.  The new building under construction at the Emmett Reed Community Center will house the MaliVai Washington Kids Foundation youth tennis and education program.


Policy Impact Area: Reallocation of community development block grant funds


Fiscal Impact: Reallocates $537,000 of unused CDBG funds from prior fiscal years


Analyst: Clements