Bill Type and Number: Ordinance 2007-530


Sponsor: The Council President at the request of the Mayor:


Date of Introduction: May 8, 2007


Committee(s) of Reference: F; ECID


Date of Analysis: May 11, 2007


Type of Action: Appropriation


Bill Summary: This ordinance appropriates $161,910.62 of HOME Program income from miscellaneous sales and charges to provide funding for the HOME Headstart to HOME Ownership Program administered by the Housing Services Division of the Housing & Neighborhoods Department to provide financial assistance to individuals and families of low to moderate income purchasing homes in Duval County.  The funds will carryover to Fiscal Year 2007-2008.


Background Information: The Headstart to HOME Ownership program offers financial assistance to eligible low-income families/individuals who are interested in purchasing a home.  The financial assistance funding by the federal Home Investment Partnership Program provides down payment, closing cost and/or principal reduction.  Low income (80% or less of median income) families who qualify for a first mortgage with a lending institution are eligible to apply for the program.  The purpose of the down payment program is to provide qualified institution borrowers with a source of down payment and closing costs assistance.


Policy Impact: Affordable Housing/Housing & Neighborhoods Department


Fiscal Impact: The bill appropriates $161,910.62


Analyst: Jackson