Bill Type and Number: Ordinance 2007-538
Sponsor: The Council President at the
request of the Mayor:
Date of Introduction: May 8, 2007
Committee(s) of Reference: F; TEUS
Date of Analysis: May 11, 2007
Type of Action: Appropriation; Positions
Bill Summary: This ordinance appropriates
$603,896.00 ($517,289.00 grant from the Florida Department of Environmental
Protection (FDEP) and $86,607.00 from Fund Balance) to provide funding for the
Gas Storage Tank Inspection Program administered by the Environmental Resource
Management Department (ERMD) FOR THE GRANT PERIOD FROM July 1, 2007 to June 30,
2008, as initiated by B.T. 07-141; provision is made to carryover funding to
Fiscal Year 2007-2008. The ordinance
reauthorizes ERMD positions in the Gas Storage Tank Inspection Program for the
grant period, as initiated by R.C. 07-690.
The Mayor and Corporation Secretary are authorized to execute and
deliver documents and take further action to implement the purpose of this
Background Information: The State of
Policy Impact: Environmental Resource Management
Department/Environmental Quality Division/Gas Storage Tank Cleanup Program
Fiscal Impact: The bill appropriates