Bill Type and Number: Resolution 2007-547
Sponsor: The Council President at the
request of the Mayor:
Date of Introduction: May 8, 2007
Committee(s) of Reference: F; TEUS
Date of Analysis: May 11, 2007
Type of Action: Eminent Domain Proceedings
Bill Summary: This legislation declares
the public purpose and public necessity for exercising the right and power of
eminent domain to acquire Grants of Easements over parcels 800-811 between 26th
Street and West 30th Street West parallel to Charles Street and
Leonard Circle West, in Council District 9, to enable the City of Jacksonville
to install a force main required for the Moncrief Creek Flood Control
Project. The resolution directs the
Office of General Counsel to institute appropriate condemnation proceedings.
Background Information: The City its right and power
of Eminent Domain to get a Grant of Easement from twelve property owners on
Policy Impact: Public Works/Real
Estate/Office of General Counsel/Eminent Domain Proceedings
Fiscal Impact: Undetermined