Bill Type and Number:  Ordinance 2007-554


Sponsor:  Council Member Jenkins


Date of Introduction:  May 8, 2007


Committee(s) of Reference:  F; TEUS


Date of Analysis:  May 10, 2007


Type of Action:  Appropriation/CIP Amendment


Bill Summary:  This bill appropriates $450,926.10 ($33,060.00 from the Tree Protection and Related Expenses Trust Fund and $417,866.10 from a Council District 4 Capital Projects (ETR, 2004) account to provide additional funding at St. Nicholas Town Center.  Provision is made for the carryover of appropriated funds into the 2007-2008 fiscal year.  Funds not used for the St. Nicholas Town Center Landscaping project within the 2006-2007 fiscal year are required to revert to the source of origin, which is District 4 bond funds (please see note below).  The Five-year Capital Improvement Program is amended to authorize the St. Nicholas Town Center project.  It is requested that the Mayor appoint the Dept. of Public Works to insure compliance with any agreement and all other appropriate laws.


            NOTE:  The carryover and reverter provisions need to be reconciled.


Policy Impact Area:  Trees and Landscaping; Community Redevelopment; Council District Bond Funds


Fiscal Impact:  $450,926.10 is appropriated by this ordinance


Analyst:  Campbell