Bill Type and Number: Ordinance 2007-559


Sponsor: Council Member Davis


Date of Introduction: May 8, 2007


Committee(s) of Reference: F, R, A


Date of Analysis: May 11, 2007


Type of Action: Ordinance Code amendment


Bill Summary: The bill amends Ordinance Code Chapter 250 – Miscellaneous Business Regulations – to provide for an exemption from business license fees for persons who are: physically disabled from doing manual labor; widows with dependent minors; and persons age 65 and over who engage in a very small business ($1,000 or less in capital investment and no more than one employee).  The amendment establishes conditions for making application for the exemption, and provides that, the new exemption notwithstanding, no person may be exempted from any business license fee required to engage in the sale of alcoholic beverages.


Background Information:  The amendment to Chapter 250 mirrors the existing exemption from payment of occupational license taxes for the same categories of persons found in Chapters 770 and 772.  The business licenses covered in Chapter 250 include auctioneers, sidewalk vendors, transient merchants, downtown sidewalk and open air vendors, street vendors, residential solicitors and peddlers, downtown sidewalk cafes, sidewalk cafes, and special events vendors.   


Policy Impact Area: Business license fee exemption


Fiscal Impact: Undetermined, but anticipated to be minimal.  The Tax Collector’s Office, which issues business permits and licenses, estimated that the number of license holders who meet the exemption criteria would be very small.


Analyst: Clements